Sama seperti lagu Exodus lagi..
Mata kuliah pertama memang serius tuh, sampe dikasih tugas(again), dan banyak!
Tapi waktu masuk mata kuliah kedua, cuma 20 menit!
Seneng sih cepet pulang.. cuma...
Masa sih dosen saya jadi amnesia.. -.-"
Dia lupa,yang mana mata kuliah yang lebih dulu antara Basis Data dan Sistem Basis Data.
Ya ampuuuuuuuuuun... 
Padahal kan mata kuliah yang di SP-kan itu Basis Data, kelanjutan dari Basis Data itu baru Sistem Basis Data..
Aduh nyonya...-.-"

Haaaaaaaah...tak banyak yang bisa diceritakan hari ini..
Yang pasti.. I miss my family..
Sodaraku yang nikah udah 3.. tersisa 3 orang lagi yang belum nikah..
Saya, dan 2 orang kakak laki-laki saya.

Aduh..ada gak sih yang nge-fans sama Hikki??
Supaya bisa berbagi...
Oia, saya baru tahu kalo Utada pernah featuring sama J.T, Eminem, Mariah Carey.
Katrok ya saya.... ckckck

Saya rasa hanya bisa memberi video Hikki lagi malam ini..

Heart Station... 
Liriknya indah..
"On a day battered with unforgiving cold rain,
There sits a couple who have a reasoned everything out
In a car that now relies on the radio to pierce the silence

There is no meaning to goodbye
Because if we were to meet again someday
Wouldn’t that be just wonderful?

Were you able to hear my voice as I spoke?
The Heart Station broadcasting  at the 1 o’clock
in the dead of night
Requires no tuning on the dial as it lies
On a secret frequency

Were the radio waves of my heart able to reach you?
It’s broadcasting from the Heart Station of sinners
And only God knows, how much I miss you

I can’t go on without forgetting you
That’s how it seems at least
But why is it then
That just all the good memories of us remain?

Without a doubt, though I’ve separated from you,
you’re right here..
Right here at the centre of my heart..

I felt that I heard your voice back there
Coming from the Heart Station that broadcast at 1 in the night
Wherever I am, there always seems to be
This beating of two pulses

Were the radio signals of my heart able to get to you?
It broadcasts from the Heart Station of lovers
And tonight’s requests also flood in with myriads of
I love you..

This is voice of my mine, were you able to hear it?
It’s broadcasting in the small hours of the night from that Heart Station..
Even now we are still connected on this secret frequency

Were you able to receive these transmissions from my heart?
They come from the Heart Station of sinners
And only God knows this secret I keep" (English translation)

dan sedikit aneh... Itulah Hikki. :-D

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